Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I realize it's been a while and I must update

Cruz is six days shy of his 11 month bday. How did that happen?!?

He can walk. No crawling anymore. 

He eats pretty much everything.
String cheese
Frozen yogurt
Animal crackers
Chicken sometimes 
Has had cake and chocolate during Christmas

He is sleeping a ton better. Although he does wake up during the night he can soothe himself back to sleep. I'm working  on night weening him. Two nights down! 

His naps are 1.5 hrs twice a day

He's in size 3 diapers

He claps all the time

He hates being on the changing table and just recently started rolling over and fighting me when I put on his diaper. 

He loves taking a bath and me pouring water out of a cup. 

Oh and he just started to play peekaboo where he's finding me which is adorable. 

Cruz is my energizer bunny and I love him dearly even if I'm tired. I know everything is just for a moment. I'm cherishing all of these moments. The good and the bad. They go by so fast!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Every day ...

I am amazed by Cruz. He's walking. He's pulling the blanket off my head and playing peekaboo. He's eating everything. He's laughing and sming like crazy. He amazes me. He is my miricle. I do believe. I love you baby!  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

6 am instead of 7

Means mommy is tired. I am on my 3rd cup of coffee instead of my normal one cup. This is my view as I drink my 3rd!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, new food

Cruz loved black eyes peas just like his mama!
Happy new year babby boy!